Monday, February 8, 2010

True Love - A Small Insight on Valentines Day

Purity once had a name, And beauty once had a face. Life once had a meaning, And once I was safe. Once there was freedom, And once I could laugh. Happinessonce was alive, And once I had another half. Once I shared her love, Once I was by her side, Once I felt I fitted, So quickly that died. Her grace so great, Her beauty so vast, All I ever wanted, Was for it to last. Fate maybe had another plan, Or maybe she had another love, But it all fell apart, The hand too big for the glove. Now it's all died away, Happiness, joy, love; all memories. Now I walk alone in this dark, dark world, With no light to guide my way wanders words does not give pain but a sweet lovable person's slience makes more tear's in heart, with every tear within drowning the heart…
Then I looked back and saw a love so old, still strong and enticing from the days of old. “I have called you my beloved, my love” it said, and through its eyes a longing I felt. A love so vast the universe it dwarfed, and pled for my love with bleeding hands and heart. A beauty that was wise and holy and true was the one who was lifted high for me, this price a purchase of my pardon for me. A fool I felt, am I for waiting, instead of running into its arms and there satiating all that I have ever longed for in this world or next. Now I am safe within the tower of the Rock that does not crumble, the Stronghold never breached the Fortress never broken. The night is not dark with the light of His face, nor does my way wander as He guides my way. He fills me up with reason to live, and smile through it all, my pains and burdens I shed. His voice so sweet like the gentle winds His caress a balm of oil and myrrh. As my heart leaps for joy at the love of my Beloved all that I rue is the length of years lost on longing for something already given. Alas a fool but wiser now, I realize that undone the years may not be but precious now is the knowledge for me, that my Beloved is mine and I am His and now all I long is for this life to drift. And as the boat reaches the other shore I know I will be with the one who gave everything on Heaven and Earth for me…
When my body is cold and my bones are frozen, don’t weep for me for then truly I awake to the joy that is mine till the end of days…
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ?
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.