Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spiritual Dryness

Spiritual Dryness is one of the most uncommon experience in a life of the born again believer, Some of the symptoms for this is as follows:
1) Feeling irritate on happenings of our life
2) Feeling like God has been far from us
3) Feeling like everybody has forgotten our needs
4) Feeling like our prayers has been seems unanswered
5) Feeling like not to pray or read bible...!! 
and lots more, So many times devil uses this situation in our life to enforce his thoughts in us and make us down. !! Dont be scared..!!!!

I was so much inspired by the life of the Great man of God "Elijah" the prophet 
A Man of God who is 
Such a Great man of God.!! When he encountered with Jezebel, was all down, broken, lost his hope..!! and asked God to take his life..!! 

I just understood from the life of Elijah that..!! Spiritual Dryness is most common for everyone..!! no matter how great he is 

What could be the reason for this..!!
1) Busy Bodies - Busy with all the ministerial activities as a result the time that you spend with God reduces
2) Un confessed Sin - Unconfessed sin in our life, also makes us to be go into this stage
3) Life Challenges - the day to day encounter with the life happenings can make us to go into this dryness
4) Physicological feeling- it may be related to our thoughts and feelings
5) Intimacy with others other than God - That answers it all..!!

These are some of the reasons that i can mention..!!!

Will i be able to overcome this..!! Yes its possible..!!! 

1) Accept the Reality:
One of the best way to live in this world is to accept the reality what it is, what we are now..!!, so many of us in our lives want to accept the reality, we tend to go ahead the time to change the things and ended up in failure.
Marriage of canan is one of the best example...!!
There was a comotion in the wedding because the wine was over, I love the way Jesus responded to that situation "My time has not yet come" 
Dont go ahead !!! DOnt Race..!!! jus accept and be still..!!! God can change your present for his Glory
2) Appreciate the Moment:
This is one of the most toughest thing...!! Appreciate the moment - thank God for the present situation instead of complaining, Always remember everything happens in our life for a purpose...!!! Romans 8:28
3) Always remember he is in Control:
This is one of the most important that we need to realize, Always remember he is in control..!!! Some times we tend to forget that God is in Control ofour lives.!!! Let me tell you something..!! "if your problem has a begining there is an end" Your lifes problem will be a solution to somebody elses" so remember he is in Control.
4) Activate your Faith:
When Faith comes Fear Goes..!!! have faith..!! 
5) Advance yourselves in praying and bible reading:
Dont stop, but rather increase your prayer time and bible reading..!!! God can do wonders..!!!

Dont concentrate on your present and calculate your future..!! God may be silent to you now..!! every tears is being Counted..!! So be encouraged.!!!!!

Be Blessed...!!!!!